Employee Departure Form Employee Name Main Branch & Department Form completed by Reason for Departure Last Day Worked Expected return date (if applicable) Store Keys Returned Rep was not assigned keys Yes, store keys have been returned No (Advise rep Final Payroll and ROE cannot be processed until this is complete) Does the employee have a direct Business Connect line? Yes No @GBSTECH.COM Email Account Delete the email account and all past emails (future emails not needed) Forward current email to Manager, Remove license and convert email to shared email box for Manager to view old emails What about their dealer line? I confirmed the rep did not have any lines on the GBS dealer account The rep does have line(s) but they can be cancelled. Rep agrees they are responsible for all pending charges including any device balance from their final pay The rep wants to take their line with them. I advised them to email demolines@gbstech.com to make arrangements within 5 days or their line will be cancelled. Employee has returned all GBS property including laptops, phones, and uniform Yes (All hardware returned to Head Office Attn IT within 5 days of Employee's last day) No (advise rep Final Payroll and ROE cannot be processed until this is complete) Employee informed that they are responsible for keeping us informed of any changes to their mailing address for tax reasons. Yes Notes Send